Gemini horoscope today is based on the third sign of Kaal Purush Kundali. It is the third house of Kaal Purush Kundali as well as in Zodiac belt. It starts from 60 degree from vernal equinox and ends at 90 degree on longitude. This zodiac sign contains Third and
Fourth Padas of Mrigashira, all padas of Ardra and first, second and third padas of Punarvasu Nakshatra. Fortune Teller provides you with daily Horoscope 2020 for Gemini (May 21 – June 20) mentions that those who belong to this zodiac sign.


Married signs will feel very romantic and endearing towards their loved one. A healthy, loving relationship is all that a single Gemini sign will think about today. Sadly, that dream won’t come true today.
Fortune Teller provides kundli milan as well, match your horoscope with the one you love !!


You feel the power of Pluto today, and Pluto is the planet that governs where we feel powerless, but also drastic change. And that’s exactly what you are looking for.


Don’t count calories because that will lead to a very unhealthy obsession with your weight. Be healthy, and try to eat more intuitively.


You are never truly satisfied with how things are. This is something that you need to work on. Feel proud of the good things that you have done.


Pack lightly if you are traveling today. Always have extra underwear and other necessities with you and not in the suitcase.


Your lucky numbers are 56 and 3 today. It’s a good day to invest in the stock market.


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